February - April 2010

February - April 2010

This newsletter is late again, despite the efforts for problem-free publication. But we have still a lot to say, and the sheer volume of 'report backs' is overwhelming.

Sewage Hall of Fame Awards

Sewage Hall of Fame Awards

The inaugural Sewage Hall of Fame Awards 2021 . . .

October - November 2009

October - November 2009

Each day we find the same topics making news, and ask how come old stuff is always newsworthy.

Aww newsletter - Bill Gate, global warming

Aww newsletter - Bill Gate, global warming

Another meeting place has been abandoned. . . .

with a great deal of hot air and nothing much else.

August - September 2009

August - September 2009

There are not many of us out there that have not heard of global warming. Green house gasses, Ozone depletion, ice caps melting, & de-forestation are all part of our lives.